SME IPO Enquiry
Call us: +91-11-41824066

Stock buybacks indicate to Re-purchasing of Securities by the organization that have issued them. In buybacks generally Issuer Companies return to its investors Price more than the market price per share. A share repurchase can demonstrate to investors that the business has sufficient cash set aside for emergencies and a low probability of economic troubles.

Factors influencing choices:

  • Undervaluation of firm
  • Taxation Impact
  • Future prospective
  • Capital Structure Adjustment
  • Capital Allocation Decision

Advantage of Buyback:

  • Improve Book Value, Earning Per Share and Return on Equity
  • Enhance Long- Term Shareholder value
  • Signaling Effect
  • Takeover Defence
  • Capital Market Allocation

Regulatory Framework:

  • The buy-back is authorised by the company’s articles.
  • The maximum limit of any buy-back shall be 25% or less of the aggregate of paid-up capital and free reserves of the company.
  • A special resolution required to be passed at a general meeting of the company authorizing the buy-back if buy-back is exceed 10% of paid-up equity capital and free reserves of the company.
  • Company shall not make any offer of buy-back within a period of one year reckoned from the date of expiry of buy back period of the preceding offer of buy-back, if any

Regulatory Restrictions:

  • Total DEBT to Equity Ratio should not exceed 2:1 post buy back.
  • The company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year from the expiry of buy back period.
  • The promoters or his/their associates shall not deal in the shares from the date of passing the resolution of the board of directors or the special resolution, as the case may be, till the closing of the offer.
  • Company shall not make any offer of buy-back within a period of one year reckoned from the date of expiry of buy back period of the preceding offer of buy-back, if any

Public Issue

We handhold the Company and Management throughout the Process of getting their Company Listed on Stock Exchanges and raise funds through IPO.

Valuation & Business Modelling Services

We make decision making simple by Assessing Valuation of Shares/Business in addition to Compliance of Regulatory requirements. We are also specialised in 409a valuations.


M&A Advisory

We as Intermediaries of Transaction make sure that both the parties are in a win-win situation within the scope of Applicable Laws.


Services under IBBI

We act as Deal makers for ‘to be Insolvent companies’ by fuelling necessary support at appropriate time and creating opportunities for our Investors


ESOP Advisory Services

We as ESOP Advisors formulate schemes favourable to both Employers and Employees and make sure smooth implementation.


Corporate Restructuring

We advise our clients to have the most appropriate Corporate structure best suited with the organisation.


Fund Raising Services

We raise funds both through Equity and Debt for Start Ups and Sustained Businesses through various platforms.


Business Acquisition Services

We help our clients to find out Listed/ Unlisted Companies in various businesses, Due Diligence of Target Companies and structuring deals for them.