SME IPO Enquiry
Call us: +91-11-41824066



Our primary purpose is to deliver high quality advisory and consultancy Services, and in this way help the people in achieving their aim. We wish to continue to be most respected and trusted name in Industry and to be known as the firm where expertise in the respective field and quality in services is maintained every time. We want a culture of growth, profitability and enthusiasm throughout the Organization.

Our mission is to be the premier provider of superior cost effective services based on stated or unstated need of clients which are in conformity of professional ethics, integrity and confidentiality thus earning people’s trust in the most friendly, professional manner possible.

What We Do


Public Issue

We handhold the Company and Management throughout the Process of getting their Company Listed on Stock Exchanges and raise funds through IPO.

Valuation & Business Modelling Services

We make decision making simple by Assessing Valuation of Shares/Business in addition to Compliance of Regulatory requirements. We are also specialised in 409a valuations.


M&A Advisory

We as Intermediaries of Transaction make sure that both the parties are in a win-win situation within the scope of Applicable Laws.


Services under IBBI

We act as Deal makers for to ‘be Insolvent companies’ by fuelling necessary support at appropriate time and creating opportunities for our Investors


ESOP Advisory Services

We as ESOP Advisors formulate schemes favourable to both Employers and Employees and make sure smooth implementation.


Corporate Restructuring

We advise our clients to have the most appropriate Corporate structure best suited with the organisation.


Fundraising Services

We raise funds both through Equity and Debt for Start Ups and Sustained Businesses through various platforms.


Business Acquisition Services

We help our clients to find out Listed/ Unlisted Companies in various businesses, Due Diligence of Target Companies and structuring deals for them.

Our Values



A confidentiality agreement is a legally binding contract between two or more parties, in which at least one of the parties agrees not to disclose certain information.



Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.



Trustworthiness is a moral value considered to be a virtue. A trustworthy person is someone in whom we can place our trust and be sure that the trust will not be betrayed.



Honesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness.



Excellence means greatness — the very best. Achieving excellence is never easy to do. … Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something.



Service sector, the traditional tertiary sector of the economy, including: Customer service, provision of assistance to customers or clients. Domestic service, employment in a residence.